warn! This game will make you happy in an instant! It will also make you instantly skyrocket! But think about it, anyway, everything is Bai Ji, it doesn't matter. "Scraping Motor" is a pure entertainment simulation game. The simulation is scraping. After entering the game, Tan Ji will introduce the process to you. In short, it is scraping, scraping, scraping! If you want to test today's luck, you can scrape one book; if you want to PK with your friends, you can scrape one book more; if you want to compete for a bad egg at the party, then ... anyway ... Anyway, it should be unlucky. Maybe it's not yourself? In the end, the game is completely free, not involving gold, please relax, how to scrape it!
10.0版本更新内容: 春暖花开,草长莺飞。 真是个玩呱呱乐的好季节! 新版本新增经典呱呱乐大7、好运十倍等; 同时新增2024龙年新票,欢迎体验。 修复若干BUG,可能还会有新BUG。 在改了,在改了……